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On Demand Webinar

The Eyes are the Window to the Concussed Brain

Total Credits: 2 including 2 Performance and Ordering of Tests

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Education Type:
Performance and Ordering of Tests
Nathan Keiser, DC
2 CEs
Audio and Video


BJ Palmer said, “Every organ in your body is connected to the one under your hat.” This course has been specifically designed to introduce chiropractors to identifying the specific features of brain injury, the dose-dependent nature of the chiropractic adjustment, and adjunct therapeutic interventions that are effective in treating patients with post concussive symptoms. Our speaker will introduce concepts of chiropractic dosage and intra-procedure monitoring to ensure both patient safety and efficacy of the adjustment procedure. Attendees will be able to analyze spinal dysfunction as it relates to specific brain injury symptoms, select the most appropriate manipulation in treating specific post-concussive symptoms, and formulate adjustment dosage with strategies to monitor patient responses in real time. If you have patients who have had a brain injury and are adjusting their neck, then the information in this seminar is priceless to you and your patients!
